Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy is a drug-free, holistic approach to insomnia and similar common sleep problems. It is an integration of sleep hygiene, behavioural interventions, mental relaxation, and psychological therapies. It is recommended both as a first-line and long-term treatment.
Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy incorporates the most effective, scientifically proven techniques from several well-researched therapy models techniques, such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-based therapies, Gestalt therapy, and non-trance elements borrowed from hypnotherapy. It is a highly effective strategy for tackling insomnia and similar sleep problems.
Why Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy?
Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy is a drug-free treatment for insomnia and common sleep problems. It does NOT have the negative side effects that sleep medications have, like daytime fatigue, impairment of cognitive process, impairment of coordination, or increased risk for accidents.
Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy is based on techniques that have been scientifically researched and proven. It integrates physical and mental relaxation techniques, psychotherapy, behavioural interventions, sleep hygiene, stimulus control, and cognitive therapy.
Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy addresses sleep problems holistically, by relaxing the nervous system over-activation, i.e. the “fight-or-flight” response, in both the body and the mind.
Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy teaches you a set of simple practical techniques. You learn these techniques by practice, so that you are absolutely sure how to use them. Once you have learned these techniques, they will remain with you forever. Hence, if your sleep problems should ever return, the remedy will always be at hand.
Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy techniques can also help you deal with stress, approach life in a mentally and physically relaxed way, and generally maintain a balanced mind.
Read more about what Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy IS and IS NOT…
Read more about the Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy treatment steps…
Relax-the-Mind Sleep Therapy Clinic
The Sleep Therapy Clinic is located in Sherwood (in the Indooroopilly – Oxley corridor), in the inner South-West suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland.
Book in for your first appointment NOW!
Ph: (07) 3716 0600
If you have questions that you can’t find answers to on the website, you are welcome to send me an email (via the form on my main website “Integrating Awareness”).
Online Treatment for Sleep Problems
If you do not live within easy reach of the Sherwood clinic, or if you for any other reason prefer not to come and have your sessions at the clinic, you can learn all the necessary techniques for overcoming your sleep problems in our recorded course, “Relax the Mind to Sleep”.